Sunday, April 13, 2014

Talk and Silence. (I think I am going to go read now.)

Today didn't go exactly as planned; Hollie just left. We had these plans to go to the museums but exhaustion has hit. We did go to the arboretum, which is now my place to go for the blossoms. The Tidal Basin is cool and all, especially at night; however, the mini pink forests within the arboretum can't be beat. Jon and I will be going back today sans dog. It was too much with him. He's still overtired from last night's walk.
But now the temptation is there again, because, you guessed it, downtime. The quietness, the emptiness and near vegetative state I am about to enter isn't helping. Now would be the time.  I'm really not missing much, I know this. I just want to post some photos. I do have a game plan when I sign on again. I'm going to delete half of my friends, mostly people I knew in high school and people I haven't met, well, most of those anyways. It's just too heavy. It can't be a big part of my life anymore. I just don't relate to half of the people I am friends with because I'm not who I was 20 years ago. And neither are they. We are connected only by shared memories. Granted most of those memories could be used as blackmail material, but they are memories. The blossoms that get carried in the wind have more of a physical presence. This is not to downplay memories. But some relationships, whether it be friendships, family, acquaintances,etc. have a shelf life. Other relationships don't. Those are the ones I want to concentrate on both in the physical and ethereal world of the internet. 
The visit with Hollie was fantastic. I miss her and the group of people I knew; the ones that even though separated we sort of grew in a similar way. We can still talk and we can still be silent. So here are some purdy pictures from this morning. 

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are beautiful, the blog is fabulous, the job news is fantastic! You're already EXTRA interesting--having a job and getting caught up in that whole I am what I bring home in salary-type thing is just too much brainwashing, maybe worse than believing pink is for girls. And i love your plan for when u get back on FB--well, i love the fact that you even HAVE a plan, and then i love the plan itself...
