Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I need to blog about this, this post on google plus that pisses me off because it reduces women to little girls that need protecting from the big bad world. I reposted it on my google plus account and basically it is saying that we want to be protected like daughters, respected like mothers and loved like wives.
First of all if a guy I'm sleeping with thinks of my like a daughter or mother something is wrong. I'm not either, at least not to him. My father was great but I don't need another one. It just seems to say we as women are still looking for the Prince that somehow we are unable to command or deserve the repeat we get on our own. We must fit into rolls that some one deemed respectable. It almost falls into the Madonna/Whore or Virgin/Slut territory. Those stereotypes piss me. They assume women can't enjoy sex and be a good person. A woman has the right to sleep with as many, or as little, people she wants to. End of discussion. Let me qualify this and say not at the expense of other people, without prior knowledge and consent from all parties involved.
People have different needs. Some don't monogamy and that's terrific. Just be honest about it. We are sexual beings and that's perfectly okay. We are human beings more then perfectly able to make our decisions and pick ourselves up after a stumble or two. I don't know any weak women; I know women who don't know their own strength and are afraid to be single. I know women who are overly dependent on their partners. (This can happen in lesbian relationships as well.) I know women who are afraid. But none of them are weak and they all have capability of do it for themselves.

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