Thursday, April 17, 2014

Have Fun Radio Land, Have Fun.

The last night and dinner is in the oven. We just got home about thirty minutes ago, maybe forty-five, it was a long day and at least part of it I'd like to do over, like the part of the Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink exploding in my bag.
The dog is going mental and he's been walking since about five. They walked to Eastern Market, and that's about two miles from our house. That's not counting the walking to get Potomac. He should be knocked out, although I think he is overtire because he is a bit ornery and brattish. I have my coffee and my silence.
Today we were asked about what we'll do after the two weeks, I'm continuing this blog as well as starting one one Wordpress, not sure why- I mean neither of my blogs are about anything or at least anyone thing. They are just ramblings, mussed, barely passing, missives some might verge on musings but only slightly. Jon says my writing has a very Beat style, which can be either good or bad depending on the writer and book. It make sense, my writings originally developed in bars and coffee houses on napkins and then progressed, not always well and some might even say digressed. But I would write just like I would paint, even if that writing was bad. As my friend would say "bad poetry comes from the sincerest of emotions" and it's true. (Wes, you hit the nail on the head with that one.)
I'm going to keep writing maybe it will land some place good or maybe it will just be a tumble weed on a land mind. Either way, it's time to say sayonara.
Have fun radio land.

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